"Rodnyye Ladoni" is, first of all, a family that is engaged in a common cause. They are farmers, but their goals go much deeper than making a profit. With their work, they promote many values: the right attitude to the land, ecotourism, the restoration of peasant farming traditions and preservation of unique breeds of domestic animals.
In order not to tie the brand solely to farming and create a strong foundation for development in any field, we chosen the coat of arms as the main visual image. This symbol reflects family, emphasizes responsibility and fidelity to traditions.
The family coat of arms of the "Rodnyye Ladoni" is divided into four parts, in each of which is one image, symbolically denoting cattle breeding, poultry farming, fishing and farming. The reading order of the four-part coat of arms reflects the priority of the farms: in the first place is - red and white meat; secondary fields are reserved for fish and plants.
Additional stylistic elements were not chosen by chance: they don't just give the logo a visual and semantic completeness, but and fill it with historically correct meanings. So the crown crowning the shield, in its shape corresponds to the crowns depicted on the coats of arms of rural populations.
The font part of the logo is made in a modern version of the antiqua, the truncated strokes of which add modernity to the classic styles.
In this way, we achieved a visual correspondence of the brand name to its content, while demonstrating respect for the experience of ancestors and willingness to develop together with technologies.